APRIL 21, 2025, AT 11:45 AM


Praying the Lord’s prayer together

The goal of the Lord’s Prayer Day is to unite all people in Estonia through a common prayer.

We invite everyone—regardless of age, gender, nationality, or religious beliefs—to join the nationwide Lord’s Prayer Day team and the joint event of the Estonian Council of Churches member churches, “The Lord’s Prayer Day,” on April 21, 2025. 

The Lord’s Prayer Day is a call for change. It is an opportunity to bring blessings, healing, and peace to our land and people. Together, we will entrust our nation into God’s hands, believing that He will lead us through difficulties into the light. 

Everyone can participate right where they are—through the radio broadcasts on Raadio7 and Pereraadio, the video streams on TV7, Postimees, and the event’s official website.

Together, we can pray and demonstrate that unity, love, and peace are possible. Our prayers and participation can change the world.

On the evening of April 21st at 6:30 PM, we will gather at the Tallinn Methodist Church (Narva mnt 51) to give thanks to our Lord – Jesus, who has sacrificed himself for us, who has given us the Lord’s prayer, who hears our prayers and who will certainly answer us!

Bring your gratitude – whether it is in writing or in your heart – and let us share the joy of what God has done in our lives together!

Raimond Laikre and the Ekklesia choir will bring honor and praise to God.


See you on the Lord’s Prayer Day, where we will build a bridge of hope between one another and God. 

The Lord’s Prayer Team


Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.






Video broadcasts

Radio broadcasts



Eesti Metodisti Kirik

Seitsmenda Päeva Adventistide Kogudus

Eesti Karismaatiline Episkopaalkirik

Rooma-Katoliku Kirik

Armeenia Apostelik Kirik

Moskva Patriarhaadi Eesti Õigeusu Kirik

We are grateful for your support to cover the costs of the event.